Catia Symbols Font Chart


  1. Catia Symbols Font Chart Download
  2. Catia Symbols Font
  3. Catia Symbols Font Chart
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American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a widely used character encoding system introduced in 1963.

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The original character set, which is now referred as the standard character set was initially composed of 128 characters (7-bit code). The first 32 characters are control characters (also called non-printable characters), which are used to control data streams as well as devices such as printers. It later was expanded to support 256 characters (8-bit code) in order to provide language specific characters, various symbols, as well as box-drawing characters: elements used for presentation purposes, allowing to draw different kind of frames and boxes. The characters in the 128-255 range are referred to as extended ASCII.

Code page 869 is an alternative code page used to write Greek language. It is not very popular, Code page 737 being the most widely used one. Only the extended character set differs from the original code page, both the control characters and the standard character set being plain ASCII.

RyanRyanRyan (Automotive)(OP)31 Jan 08 19:26. I am trying to put a chamfer dimension on my drawing using text with leader. How do I get the degree symbol in there? For example, in AutoCAD,%%c is the diameter symbol.Thanks for help. Align the text of a cell on the right using. Right-click a cell, and select Properties from the contextual menu. The properties available are the same as those available for texts. Refer to Editing Text Properties for more information. On the Font tab, specify a color, red for example, and click OK. The text in the selected cell is now red.

Catia Symbols Font

The character table below is showing a pixel precise graphical representation for each character, alongside with a text description.

Control characters (0 - 31):

00NUL (Null)1610DLE (Data Link Escape)
11SOH (Start of Header)1711DC1 (Device Control 1)
22STX (Start of Text)1812DC2 (Device Control 2)
33ETX (End of Text)1913DC3 (Device Control 3)
44EOT (End of Transmission)2014DC4 (Device Control 4)
55ENQ (Enquiry)2115NAK (Negative Acknowledge)
66ACK (Acknowledge)2216SYN (Synchronous Idle)
77BEL (Bell)2317ETB (End of Transmission Block)
88BS (BackSpace)2418CAN (Cancel)
99HT (Horizontal Tabulation)2519EM (End of Medium)
10ALF (Line Feed)261ASUB (Substitute)
11BVT (Vertical Tabulation)271BESC (Escape)
12CFF (Form Feed)281CFS (File Separator)
13DCR (Carriage Return)291DGS (Group Separator)
14ESO (Shift Out)301ERS (Record Separator)
15FSI (Shift In)311FUS (Unit Separator)

Catia Symbols Font Chart

Standard character set (32 - 127):

Catia Symbols Font ChartCatia Symbols Font Chart
3220Space8050Upper case P
3321Exclamation mark8151Upper case Q
3422Quotation Mark8252Upper case R
3523Hash8353Upper case S
3624Dollar8454Upper case T
3725Percent8555Upper case U
3826Ampersand8656Upper case V
3927Apostrophe8757Upper case W
4028Open bracket8858Upper case X
4129Close bracket8959Upper case Y
422AAsterisk905AUpper case Z
432BPlus915BOpen square bracket
452DDash935DClose square bracket
462EFull stop945ECaret
4830Zero9660Grave accent
4931One9761Lower case a
5032Two9862Lower case b
5133Three9963Lower case c
5234Four10064Lower case d
5335Five10165Lower case e
5436Six10266Lower case f
5537Seven10367Lower case g
5638Eight10468Lower case h
5739Nine10569Lower case i
583AColon1066ALower case j
593BSemicolon1076BLower case k
603CLess than1086CLower case l
613DEquals sign1096DLower case m
623EGreater than1106ELower case n
633FQuestion mark1116FLower case o
6440At11270Lower case p
6541Upper case A11371Lower case q
6642Upper case B11472Lower case r
6743Upper case C11573Lower case s
6844Upper case D11674Lower case t
6945Upper case E11775Lower case u
7046Upper case F11876Lower case v
7147Upper case G11977Lower case w
7248Upper case H12078Lower case x
7349Upper case I12179Lower case y
744AUpper case J1227ALower case z
754BUpper case K1237BOpen brace
764CUpper case L1247CPipe
774DUpper case M1257DClose brace
784EUpper case N1267ETilde
794FUpper case O1277FDelete
Catia symbols font chartCatia symbols font chart pdf

Catia Symbols Font Chart Printable

Extended character set (128 - 255):

12880192C0Box drawings light up and right
12981193C1Box drawings light up and horizontal
13082194C2Box drawings light down and horizontal
13183195C3Box drawings light vertical and right
13284196C4Box drawings light horizontal
13385197C5Box drawings light vertical and horizontal
13486Greek upper case alpha with tonos198C6Greek upper case pi
13587199C7Greek upper case rho
13688Middle dot200C8Box drawings double up and right
13789Not sign201C9Box drawings double down and right
1388ABroken bar202CABox drawings double up and horizontal
1398BLeft single quotation mark203CBBox drawings double down and horizontal
1408CRight single quotation mark204CCBox drawings double vertical and right
1418DGreek upper case epsilon with tonos205CDBox drawings double horizontal
1428EHorizontal bar206CEBox drawings double vertical and horizontal
1438FGreek upper case eta with tonos207CFGreek upper case sigma
14490Greek upper case iota with tonos208D0Greek upper case tau
14591Greek upper case iota with dialytika209D1Greek upper case upsilon
14692Greek upper case omicron with tonos210D2Greek upper case phi
14793211D3Greek upper case chi
14894212D4Greek upper case psi
14995Greek upper case upsilon with tonos213D5Greek upper case omega
15096Greek upper case upsilon with dialytika214D6Greek lower case alpha
15197Copyright sign215D7Greek lower case beta
15298Greek upper case omega with tonos216D8Greek lower case gamma
15399Superscript two217D9Box drawings light up and left
1549ASuperscript three218DABox drawings light down and right
1559BGreek lower case alpha with tonos219DBFull block
1569CPound sign220DCLower half block
1579DGreek lower case epsilon with tonos221DDGreek lower case delta
1589EGreek lower case eta with tonos222DEGreek lower case epsilon
1599FGreek lower case iota with tonos223DFUpper half block
160A0Greek lower case iota with dialytika224E0Greek lower case zeta
161A1Greek lower case iota with dialytika and tonos225E1Greek lower case eta
162A2Greek lower case omicron with tonos226E2Greek lower case theta
163A3Greek lower case upsilon with tonos227E3Greek lower case iota
164A4Greek upper case alpha228E4Greek lower case kappa
165A5Greek upper case beta229E5Greek lower case lamda
166A6Greek upper case gamma230E6Greek lower case mu
167A7Greek upper case delta231E7Greek lower case nu
168A8Greek upper case epsilon232E8Greek lower case xi
169A9Greek upper case zeta233E9Greek lower case omicron
170AAGreek upper case eta234EAGreek lower case pi
171ABVulgar fraction one half235EBGreek lower case rho
172ACGreek upper case theta236ECGreek lower case sigma
173ADGreek upper case iota237EDGreek lower case final sigma
174AELeft-pointing double angle quotation mark238EEGreek lower case tau
175AFRight-pointing double angle quotation mark239EFGreek tonos
176B0Light shade240F0Soft hyphen
177B1Medium shade241F1Plus-minus sign
178B2Dark shade242F2Greek lower case upsilon
179B3Box drawings light vertical243F3Greek lower case phi
180B4Box drawings light vertical and left244F4Greek lower case chi
181B5Greek upper case kappa245F5Section sign
182B6Greek upper case lamda246F6Greek lower case psi
183B7Greek upper case mu247F7Greek dialytika tonos
184B8Greek upper case nu248F8Degree sign
185B9Box drawings double vertical and left249F9Diaeresis
186BABox drawings double vertical250FAGreek lower case omega
187BBBox drawings double down and left251FBGreek lower case upsilon with dialytika
188BCBox drawings double up and left252FCGreek lower case upsilon with dialytika and tonos
189BDGreek upper case xi253FDGreek lower case omega with tonos
190BEGreek upper case omicron254FEBlack square
191BFBox drawings light down and left255FFNo-break space