Kanakadhara Stotram

  1. Kanakadhara Stotram Pdf
  2. Kanakadhara Stotram Ms
  3. Kanakadhara Stotram In English
  4. Kanakadhara Stotram Tamil
  5. Kanakadhara Stotram By Ms Subbulakshmi

Kanakadhara Stotram – Visit: Mail us: gntlas@gmail.com Document Composition. Annapoorna Stotram 03. Bhavani Ashtakam 04. Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram 05. Dakshinamurthy Stotram 06. Ganesha Pancharatnam 07. Ganga Stotram 08. Jagannathashtakam 09. Kalabhairava Ashtakam 10. Kalika Ashtakam 11. Kamakshi Stotram 12. Kanakadhara Stotram 13. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalambam 14. Lalita Panchakam 15. Meenakshi Pancharatnam 16.

Available Formats. Download as PDF or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Save Save Kanakadhara Stothram Telugu PDF For Later. 63% (19) 63% found this document useful (19 votes) 93K views 4 pages. Oct 14, 2020 Kanakadhara Stotram Benefits. 🛕 The Kanakadhara Stotram describes the beauty, grace, wisdom, and power of the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. The prayer is a poem that facilitates the flow of wealth. Kanak means gold, and Dhara means flow. Those offering the prayers daily will be blessed with good qualities and great fortunes. Kanakadhara Stotram with magnified TEXT & clear Voice. Adi Shankaracharya's Kanakadhara Stotra comprised of 21 mellifluous hymns on Goddess Lakshmi.



Adi Sankaracarya was born at Kaladi during the eight century at atime when Sanatana Dharma was at state.

Nirisvara vada was at its peak. Superstition was highest. Animalsacrifices were furious and dreaded, internecine fights between the worshippersof Sakti, Surya, Ganapati, Visnu and Siva took ugly turn i.e., the Sakteya, theSoura, the Ganapataya.The vaisna and Saiva cults lost their mutual identity andunderstanding.It was Sankaracarya whocemented the bonds among all the five cults by instituting panacayatanpujaincorporating all the five Gods and making every body understand that worshipof one God amounts to worship of all by his Advaita Siddhanta.

He established five peettahs one at Sringeri in the south atKarnataka for the propagation of Yajurveda, the second on the East at Puri inOrissa for Rkveda and third at Dwaraka for Sama Veda in the West at Gujarat andthe fourth at Badari in North in Uttar Pradesh for Atharvana Veda.These four pittahs are effectivelyfunctioning even to day as per the priciples and procedures laid down byBhagavatpada Sri Sankaracarya.Sankaracarya during his Brahmacari Bhikshatana one day visited the houseof a poor Brahmin lady, whose husband also went to the village for Bhiksha andnothing was available in the house to offer.She was very much upset and worried that she could not offer any thingto such a great person who came to her house.She earnestly searched for some thing to be given in her house.

He recited twenty two slokas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi Who wasvery much pleased and appeared (Satkshathkara) before Sankaracarya and askedfor his cause and all of prayer.

Sankaracarya pleaded her to grant riches to the Brahmin lady.

Goddess Lakshmi said that this Brahmin lady did not qualify to getany riches in this life as she did not to do any charities in her previous lifeand carry consideration and she deserves sufferance and justified her stand ofnot confering any wealth on her.

Sankaracarya while accepting her sand replied that in this lifeshe gave him Amla fruit with very great reverence inspiteof not having anything due toher extreme poverty and this act ofher alone will justify to showerriches on her.

Hearing upon this Goddess Lakshmi was greatly moved and immenselypleased with the advocacy of the argument of Sri Sankaracarya and showeredinstantly golden rain of Amla fruits (Emblic myrobalan).

Thus the stotra of Sankaracarya towards Goddess Lakshmi wassacred, famous and popular known as Kanakadhara Stotra.Bhagavatpada Sankaracarya’s Kanakadhara

Lakshmi in her manifestation is Arogya Lakshmi (giver of health),Keerti Lakshmi (bestower of name and fame), Santana Lakshmi (blesses childrenand continuing progeny), Vijaya Lakshmi (ensures victory in all the efforts), DhanaLakshmi (Showers continuing wealth, Dhanya Lakshmi (restores abundant crops),Moksha Lakshmi (grants liberation), Sowbhagya Lakshmi (unending harmony andauspiciousness), Santa Lakshmi (giving peace).Thus she is apparently one in all the eight forms (Ashta Lakshmi) whoalso confers Ashta Siddhis, which are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti,Prakamya, Eesitva and Vasitva.

Kanakadhara Stotram

Sankaracarya with (Lokanugra Drusti) eye on the welfare of thepeople has recited the Kanakadhara Stotra to alleviate the sufferance of thepeople in their variety and grant them all the boons of Asta Lakshmi.

If one has all the Wealth and no health, wealth ceases to have anysignificance.Like wise the importantof all manifestations of Goddess Lakshmi.If one has wealth, health and no children all these will be futite.Hence Lakshmi (Asta Lakshmi manifestationfulfill all desires.

The prayer of Lakshmi is aimed to grant the missing wants of thedevotees by the Goddess.

In Gayatri Mahamantra the Second pada “Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi”has the Beejakshara “Sreem” of Sree Lakshmi and represents yajurveda and “AhamBrahmasmi”

Adwaita Siddhanta of Sri Sankaracarya.Sree Maha Devi seated on the Hrdaya (chest) of Sri Visnu carriesall the power of him coupled with her Sakti.

Sankaracarya while reciting the Kanakadhara Stotra brought outalike the greatness and glory of Visnu ventilated that such divinity was beingpresided by Sree Lakshmi.

Lakshmi Devi was being extolled in all her eight qualifyingmanifestations as (Asta Lakshmi) and her varied boons to be conferred on thethose who are desirous of them.

KanakadharaKanakadhara stotram

There are three slokas in ancient palmyra leaves in addition tothe twenty two slokas said to have been recited by Adi Sankaracarya.

These three are also incorporated for the benefit of the devoteessince they fall in line with the main slokas in their spirit.These slokas were brought to the notice byBrahmasri Bhutapuri subrahmanya sarma with great benediction, which are asfollows.

1. Bilvatavi Madhya lasatsaroje
Sahasra patre sukhi sannivistam |
Astapadambhuruha panipadmam
Stuvarna Varnam pranamami lakshmeem ||

Bilvatavi madhye = In the middle of bilva garden; Sahasra patre =with thousand petals; Lasat = emitting light; saroje = In the lotus; sukhasannivistam = Sitting happily; Astapada mhuruha = The eight petalled goldenlotus flower; panipadmam = lotus like hands, holding them; suvarna varnam =having golden hue colour; lakshmim = OH! Rama Devi (the wife of Visnu);pranamam = Salutations to you.

OH! Sri Maha Lakshmi who is adorning in the middle of the thousandpetalled lotus in Bilva Vana, Holding Golden Lotuses in her hand, possessinggolden hue colour. To her my Salutations.

2. Kamala sana panina lalate
Likhita mokshara punkti masya jantoh |
Parimarjayam mata ranghrinate
Dhanika dvara nivasa dukha doghrim ||

Kamala sanapanina=with the hand of Brahma;

OH! Mother Goddess; remove my fate having been written by Brahmathat I have to stand and work at the doorsteps of the wealthy people and driveaway such situation and purify me.

3. Amho ruham janma gruham bhavatya
Vaksha sthalam bhartu gruham murareh
Karunyatah kalpaya padma vase |
Leelagruham mehrudaya ravindam ||

Ambhoruham = Lotus; Janmagruham = Mother’s house; Bhavatya =Forour sake; Vakshasthalam = the chest; Bhartugruham = The house of husband;murareh = The enemy of Murasura i.e. Sri Maha Visnu; Me = Belonging to me;Karunyatah = with all benevolence; Kalpaya = Create them; padmavase = The onethat lives on lotus; Lilagruham = As the pompous house; Hrdayaravindam = As thelotus of mind.

OH! MahaLakshmi!Yourorigin and birthplace is Lotus flower.Your aunt’s house (husband’s mother) also is the Chest of Sri MahaVisnu.Like wise make my lotus heart aspompous and enjoyable house and make me ever grateful to you.Lotus has a special bearing on Goddess MahaLakshmi.She is born on the lotus andher eyes are like lotus and her hands resempble lotus.


Lotus leaves contain Gold and eating on the lotus leaf enhanceshealth.In Gayatri Homam red lotusflowers are collected and dipped in Ghee and offered in Havis in Homa Khundwith the Swahakara Mantra of Gayatri to propriate Goddess Lakshmi to obtainGold.Several Hundreds of red lotusesare offered in Gayatri Maha Yajna depending upon the purascaran as and thedesires of the disciples.

Futher persons interested in Soura Jajna (i.e. Yaga of Sun God)the Homa Kunda has to be prepared digging a wide pit measuring upto knee, fillit with water and upon it spread lotus leaves and on them the twigs of lotusplants and above them lotus flowers, to make it as a flat form.

On this open space on the flatform place fire lit it as usual andperform, Boma with mantras in the Agni Kunda.By performing this yajna of Sun God, the paramatma residing in themiddle of Surya mandala will be immensely pleased and he will obtainliberation(Arunam).

Lord Narayana’s abode is Nira (water) and Narayani (Lakshmi) stayson lotus on the water.Water is available before srusti and cause of srustiswater only.

Kanakadhara Stotram Pdf

Sankaracarya ventilated in this small, concise and powerfulKanakadhara Stotra the impregnated truth of dive splendour and his mission togrant happiness and peace to the ennobling people.Bhagavatpada prayed and wrote powerful and protracted hymns onevery diety he visited during his wide travels along the length and breadth ofthis Country.

Hinduism owes its existence today to AdiSankaracarya for its renaissance and his exposotion of Hindu pantheon.Kanakadhara Stotra thus enhances our visionand bestows the grace of Sri Lakshmi to fulfill our desires.

Om Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti !

The translation presented in this page is either in the public domain and /or reproduced according to the Berne Convention for the benefit of our readers. All contents at this site are © copyright P.K. Hari Hara Subramanian, 1998-2005, except where noted. All rights reserved.

kanakadhara stotram is the easiest way to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. It is a hymn.

kanakadhara stotram : Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power

In this post we will learn to speak it well; Because only when we are able to speak it,

we will be able to recite it and only then the grace of Mother Lakshmi will be on us. But before that it is necessary to know something about it. Come, let’s get to know him.

Kanakadhara Stotra was composed by Shrimad Shankaracharya. It is said that due to its influence, he had made rain of gold coins.

It is also possible; Because at the age of 32 (from 788 to 820 AD) writing commentaries on many Upanishads like Brahmasutra and Gita, composing many hymns, composing texts like Vivek Chudamani, establishing many Shaktipeeths, no ordinary soul can do.

Well, Adi Shankaracharya has not mentioned any law and order in the context of Kanakadhara Stotra. Even reciting it once is enough.

If there is time and convenience, then chanting rituals can also be done according to one’s ability at a fixed time, in a fixed number of times.

The original verse in Sugam Gyan Sangam’s Adhyatma + Stotra collection column has been taken from the book Stotra Ratnavali published from GitaPress Gorakhpur.

In which there are total 18 verses.

Kanakadhara Stotras are available in the form of videos on YouTube channel and in the form of articles on many websites.

In which equality is found up to 12 verses, after that there are 18 verses and then there are 21 verses.

This is because the following 3 verses

Kanakdhara Stotra Original Text

नमोऽस्तु हेमाम्बुजपीठिकायै
नमोऽस्तु भूमण्डलनायिकायै।
नमोऽस्तु देवादिदयापरायै
नमोऽस्तु शार्ङ्गायुधवल्लभायै।।१३।।

नमोऽस्तु देव्यै भृगुनन्दनायै
नमोऽस्तु विष्णोरुरसि स्थितायै।
नमोऽस्तु लक्ष्म्यै कमलालयायै
नमोऽस्तु दामोदरवल्लभायै।।१४।।

नमोऽस्तु कान्त्यै कमलेक्षणायै
नमोऽस्तु भूत्यै भुवनप्रसूत्यै।
नमोऽस्तु देवादिभिरर्चितायै
नमोऽस्तु नन्दात्मजवल्लभायै।।१५।।

They have been briefly included in this stotra, which are not in the original stotra.

That’s why you will not find these three mantras in the original stotra in this post;

Because our aim is to provide correct and authentic information to the society by modifying any subject matter.

Kanakadhara Stotram Ms

Also Read :sarva badha vinirmukto mantra meaning

pay attention –

The mantras shown in blue for the audience to read are not mere dissections of words; Because there is a possibility of a change in the original pronunciation due to the dissolution of the word.

Therefore, according to the ease of reading and pronunciation of the audience, the words of the shloka are shown only in small form.

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what is kanakadhara stotram?

Kanakadhara Stotram is a hymn. The Kanakadhara Stotra is a powerful Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi.

Who sang Kanakadhara?

Singer Usha : Devotional Song By Singer Usha Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06RnGo0BdTA

Who was the author of Kanakadhara stotra?

Adi Sankara – (composed in Sanskrit)

Kanakadhara Stotram In English

kanakadhara stotram

kanakadhara stotram lyrics

kanakadhara stotram pdf

kanakadhara stotram in telugu

kanakadhara stotram telugu

KANAKADHARA STOTRAM (IN SANSKRIT) !! श्री लक्ष्मी जी का शक्तिशाली स्तुति

Kanakadhara Stotram Telugu Lyrics – Raghava Reddy | శ్రావణ శుక్రవారం వినాల్సిన పాటలు

Kanakadhara Stotram Tamil

।।इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यविरचितं कनकधारास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्।।

Kanakadhara Stotram By Ms Subbulakshmi

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